The search function can be customized via the expert search. (*1)
The search parameters can also be combined with each other. Example:
*ladder* AND (tag:mli OR product:semix) NOT(housing)
All search results related to the product "semix" are listed, which specifically contain the term "ladder", are tagged with "mli" and do not contain the term "housing".
The available operators can be found in the following list.
Symbol | Explanation | Example |
* | There are any number of additional characters in front or behind a search term | The search term "auto*" also returns results like "automobile". |
? | There is another character in front or behind a search term | Text?????? |
AND | Combines two search terms | (car) AND (tires) lists all results that contain either the term "car" or "tire". |
OR | Expands the search field to two search terms. | (car) OR (tires) lists all results that contain either the term "car" or "tires". |
NOT | Excludes certain terms from the search | (car) NOT (tires) lists all results that contain the term "car" but not "tires". |
- | Excludes all seach results that contain the following term. | When searching for "Meineir-de", all search results are displayed which contain "Meineir", except "de". So "Meineir-de" will not be part of the search results. |
*1: In order for customized fields (product, profit center, technology) to be found in the search function, it is necessary to refresh the Continux interface pressing or the F5 key. These fields can be searched with the term Product:Search term.
*2: Please note that boolean operators must always be entered in CAPITALS and the search term must be enclosed in (brackets).
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